Learn to Bloom can offer a range of bespoke consultancy services linked to your school improvement plan and staff CPD needs.
Examples include:
- Building individual profiles of identified pupils based on classroom observations, discussions with staff and targeted assessment of learning needs.
- Providing clear guidance regarding effective strategies for addressing the individual learning needs of pupils with SEND.
- Supporting staff with the implementation of specialist resources to enable children with special educational needs to cope more effectively within the mainstream classroom.
- Guiding staff through the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle, as part of a graduated response for supporting pupils with SEND.
- Assisting with school applications for additional support where appropriate, including production of individual costed provision maps.
- Supporting SENDCOs with the effective deployment of teaching assistants, in order to maximise outcomes for pupils with SEND.
- Working collaboratively with class teachers in adapting their planning for children with special educational needs.
- Supporting SENDCOs in the implementation of a person-centred approach.
- Supporting SENDCOs to ensure that key life skills are developed as a priority for children with high levels of SEND, in close collaboration with their families.
- Ensuring effective transition arrangements are in place for pupils with SEND between Key Stages.